Sunday, September 21, 2008

slogans or trash talk? you decide!

Ideas keep popping in my head…for shirts and/or the van? (Full disclosure: I did poach some of these off the internet!) How saucy do we want to be?

Run like a mother
Mom mobile: we bust ours to kick yours
You’re a little cranky mom… shouldn’t you go for a run?
The woman who starts the race is not the same that finishes the race
Don't worry about the map...we'll show you the way!
Win or Bust? We’ll take both!
Some call it obsessive compulsive. We call it motherhood.
We kick asphalt.
Sometimes we run to forget, but we never forget to run!
We have the best set of legs in town.


Bart, Erin, Hunter, Jorden and a couple of crazy dogs said...

Can I take one of all of them? PLEASE!!!

The Wilks' Family said...

my personal favorite is "run like a mother".

The Wilks' Family said...

my personal favorite is "run like a mother".