Saturday, August 23, 2008

Let's pick our legs....

Hey ladies....

Here are estimated start times for each runner/leg based on if we get our first choice start time. If we don't get our first choice the worst it would change is 1 hour later. So email me at and let me know which runner number(s) you want so we can start getting this sorted out and get training for each of our own legs :)

Let me hear from each of you soon!!!!

1  Leg 1: 5.8 moderate/7:30 AM  Leg 2: 5.9 Moderate/6:40 PM Leg 3: 3.4 Easy/5:45 AM

2 Leg 1: 6.8 Moderate/8:30 AM  Leg 2: 5.1 Moderate/7:40 PM Leg 3: 3.3 Easy/6:20 AM
3  Leg 1: 6.8 Very Hard/9:40 AM  Leg 2: 5.5 Moderate/8:30 PM  Leg 3: 3.3 Easy/6:55 AM
4  Leg 1: 6 Moderate/10:50 AM  Leg 2: 4.7 Easy/9:25 PM  Leg 3: 5 Hard/7:30 AM
5  Leg 1: 8.1 Very Hard/11:50 AM  Leg 2: 5.3 Moderate/10:15 PM  Leg 3: 3.5 Easy/8:20 AM
6  Leg 1: 4.6 Easy/1:05 PM  Leg 2: 6.1 Moderate/11:10 PM  Leg 3: 4 Easy/8:55 AM
7  Leg 1: 8 Hard/1:55 PM  Leg 2: 4 Easy/12:10 AM  Leg 3: 6.7 Hard/9:35 AM
8  Leg 1: 3.1 Easy/3:15 PM  Leg 2: 4 Easy/12:50 AM  Leg 3: 5.1 Moderate/10:45 AM
9  Leg 1: 4.4 Easy/3:45 PM  Leg 2: 6.7 Hard/1:30 AM  Leg 3: 3.9 Easy/11:35 AM
10  Leg 1: 5.1 Moderate/4:30 PM  Leg 2: 6.7 Hard/2:40 AM  Leg 3: 3 Easy/12:15 PM
11  Leg 1: 4.7 Easy/5:20 PM  Leg 2: 4.3 Easy/3:50 AM  Leg 3: 2.9 Easy/12:45 PM
12  Leg 1: 2.9 Easy/6:10 PM  Leg 2: 7 Hard/4:35 AM  Leg 3: 3.9 Easy/1:15 PM      

1 comment:

The Eberhardts said...

my choice would be legs 3 or 9