Monday, October 27, 2008


Here are the awards for the BEST Ragnar team ever...

"You can do anything when you look this fabulous..." The Fashion Award goes to Jaime!

"The Machine; The Blister Buster"...goes to Yvonne!

"Most Likely to Run Hills and Most Organized Captain Athletica..." goes to Erin!

"Thank you sir, may I have another? Bring it ON!..." goes to Mary!

"Little Miss Sunshine...the Energizer Bunny... and Best Cheerleader..." goes to Katie!

"Most encounters with animals and BEST BBQ run..." goes to Corrine!

"Never been so happy to see you... the Best Finisher..." goes to Julie!

"Taking one (acutally 2.8) for the team..." goes to Michele!

"I can do anything in a tutu with this smile..." goes to Shelley!

"Totally driven (crazy)..." goes to Sharon!

"Best birthday..." goes to Lindsay!

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